How will you use your AELERT membership in 24/25?

Apr 19, 2024

Thank you to our members for your ongoing support and engagement with the AELERT network over the last 12 months, your contributions have allowed us to develop the vital products and services that deliver on our promise to build the collective regulatory strength and capabilities of our members across Australia, New Zealand, and now, the Pacific Islands.

In 2023 AELERT released its 2023-25 Strategic Plan, launched new membership options, enhanced our governance structure, and issued our 2023 Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan, launched a brand-new website, reformed our network groups, delivered a robust variety of events, webinars, roadshows and workshops, forged deeper relationships with our network partners… and much more covered in the 2023: A year in review article.

All of these significant achievements have been made possible thanks to your passion and dedication.

Our strategic direction will continue to focus on supporting the development of organisational maturity for member agencies, capability development of practitioners, and to facilitate and enhance regulatory stewardship and supporting interagency collaboration to overcome shared issues.

We have big plans for 2024, and will benefit all members by:

  • Delivering a Global Summit pairing international regulatory priorities with universal topics to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole regulatory system
  • Launching more Learning & Development webinars based on member feedback and in line with the needs of our network groups
  • Releasing products built in our work programs including regulatory priorities & outcome-based performance measures best practice guides, regulatory diagrams, a refresh of the MRIT and Regulatory Capability Framework & Self-Assessment Tool, plus MRIT customisation for the water sector
  • Deepening domestic and international partnerships to provide more opportunities for collaboration on work programs, access to resources and joint webinars
  • Expanding our local government membership cohort through new partnerships with local government associations and state bodies

Let’s ensure your agency remains a part of this world leading community of regulators by renewing your AELERT membership for the 2024-25 financial year.

At this critical moment in 2024 we ask you: how can you leverage your AELERT membership to achieve your organisational goals this year?

Here’s to you, and a bigger and better year ahead as a part of the AELERT network.


The AELERT Leadership Team

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