Join the Nature Repair Committee

Feb 23, 2024

The Australian Government is searching for applicants to join the new, statutory Nature Repair Committee and help create a nature positive Australia by providing independent advice on Australia’s world-leading Nature Repair Market.

Under the Nature Repair Act 2023, the Nature Repair Committee will provide independent expert advice to the Minister for the Environment and Water on the compliance of key elements of the market.

DCCEEW is looking for highly experienced, technical experts and professionals to form the committee.  This will include a part-time chair and 4 to 5 part-time members. Committee members will be appointed by the minister and must have substantial experience or knowledge and significant standing in at least one of the following fields:

  • Ecological sciences
  • Agriculture
  • Environmental markets
  • Economics
  • Land management
  • Indigenous knowledge.

We are actively seeking applications from Indigenous knowledge holders and encourage First Nations people to apply.

Applications are now open, and close 5pm AEDT 26 February 2024. Find out more at our website. Any questions can be directed to

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