AELERT Network Groups

AELERT Network Groups bring together practitioners from various agencies and jurisdictions to undertake collaborative work on mutual regulatory challenges.

AELERT Network Groups are organised within three Clusters. Each cluster is served by a Working Group, which exists to provide the space and resources to action meaningful work programs.

Within each of these three clusters, a number of Communities of Practice (CoPs) exist to provide a dedicated, secure space for sharing of information, experiences, resources, approaches, contacts and to facilitate networking between other members in their fields of practice.

The Working Groups source their work programs from the specific needs and opportunities identified by practitioners inside the CoPs, these work items are then undertaken to benefit all members to improve the BAU (business as usual) operations of member agencies.

“Working Groups are where the work happens – Communities of Practice are where the sharing happens.”

‘AELERT’s Better Regulation Working Group built the Modern Regulator Improvement Tool (MRIT) in 2016 and has since become AELERT’s flagship product used by regulatory agencies across Australasia, and has had a huge impact on building regulatory capability and public confidence in our regulatory Agencies.’

Gregory Abood

Chief Executive, AELERT


The Operations Cluster consists of:

  • An Operations Working Group, Chair position currently vacant
  • National Council Sponsor, Kate Harbert (DES QLD)
  • Seven Communities of Practice

The operations cluster working group is where joint operations, on ground initiatives and front-line regulatory problems get solved across jurisdictions, levels of government, agencies and regulatory discipline. Intelligence and analysis input is a key support to many of the operational work programs in waste crime, biodiversity & protected area, wildlife crime, local government and emergency operations.

Biodiversity & Protected Area Community of Practice

This is a Community of Practice group designed to bring together professionals and regulatory practitioners in the biodiversity and protected areas communities marine and land.

Biosecurity Community of Practice

Coming soon.

Emergency Operations Community of Practice

As Regulators, we have a lot to learn from one another in times of emergencies. This CoP focuses on incident and emergency management – and includes representatives from all Australian jurisdictions.

Intelligence & Analysis Community of Practice

This is a reinvigorated Community of Practice, if you are involved in Intelligence within your organisation you may benefit by joining the group and helping to build the AELERT Intelligence network across Australia

Local Government Community of Practice

This is a Community of Practice group designed to bring together professionals and regulatory practitioners in the Local Government community.

Regulatory Researchers & Practitioners Community of Practice

This network group is for academic and practicing regulatory professionals to engage with one another.

Waste Crime Community of Practice

Provides a space for members to support each other and share waste-related information, regulatory approaches and intelligence.

Wildlife Crime Community of Practice

Wildlife officers were part of the grassroots movement which led to the creation of AELERT in 2003. This group continues that legacy.

Regulation & Engagement

The Regulation and Engagement Cluster consists of:

  • A Regulation and Engagement Working Group, Chaired by Andre Maynard (DWER, WA)
  • National Council Sponsor, Kate Gavens (DEECA VIC)
  • Six Communities of Practice

The Regulation & Engagement cluster working group runs cross-jurisdictional initiatives that enhance regulatory practice for member agencies across the network. This working group is a secure space for interagency collaboration and innovations including supporting regulatory practice in emerging agencies and developing best practice approaches that respectfully engage with and apply Traditional Owner voice in regulation decision making.

Better Regulation Community of Practice

A space for AELERT Members to share regulatory frameworks, policies and approaches. To learn from each other and better Agency performance.

Communications, Education & Engagement Community of Practice

A space to share experiences and lessons on communication, education and engagement strategies for on-ground regulators.

Compliance Auditing Community of Practice

Join this CoP if your work involves or aims to involve compliance auditing as a means to change behaviour and minimise regulatory risk.

Energy & Mining Community of Practice
This community of practice is a hub for practitioners in energy, mining and associated fields to share resources, lessons learned, insights and opportunities to better regulation in this sector.
First Peoples Environmental Regulators Community of Practice

This group is a space for Members to share knowledge, approaches and lessons across regulatory agencies in Australia & New Zealand.

Impact Assessment Community of Practice

This community of practice is a place for local, state and national government practitioners who work in assessing the social, environmental and cultural impacts of projects and activities as well as licencing, approvals and permits.

Legal Practice & Policy Community of Practice

A space for legal practitioners and policy makers to build a repository of shared knowledge, legal issues and achievements in regulation.

Senior Leaders Community of Practice

This network group is built for leaders in both environment and non-environmental fields in the AELERT network and facilitates opportunities for cross disciplinary collaboration and innovation in regulatory leadership.

Water Compliance Community of Practice

This group shares information on cross-cutting issues, solves problems and promotes best practices and collaboration in water compliance policy and operations amongst Australian states and the Australian Government while building capability within the AELERT network.


Capability Building

The Capability Building Cluster consists of:

  • A Capability Building Working Group (Chaired by Daniel Walters, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (EPSDD), ACT Government)
  • National Council Sponsor Paul De Ionno (DEM SA)
  • Two Communities of Practice

The Capability Building cluster working group is an innovative space where specialised practitioners collaborate to build supports, tools, products and mechanisms that enhance member agency organisational maturity and regulatory practitioner capability. Their programs will build our collective regulatory depth, improving organisational resilience and maturity and practitioner competence and confidence.

Organisational Maturity Community of Practice

A place to share MRIT approaches, maturity action plans, self or peer assessments, and resources. Also a space for participants in the interagency twinning program to share their experiences.

Professional Development Community of Practice

This Group shares approaches, experiences and lessons from using the capability assessment tool and the professional development program.