AELERT – INECE Global Summit – August Update

Aug 12, 2024

The 2024 Global Summit for Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law is only three months away and AELERT’s Leadership Team and international organising committee have been hard at work preparing for the event, collating abstracts, securing sponsorship deals and more to ensure you will come away enriched and prepared to tackle 2025 and beyond in collaboration with your peers.

Currently we have 22 confirmed speakers for the Summit ranging across a variety of cross-cutting regulatory subject matters including keynote speakers on Indigenous voice in environmental law and regulation as well as judicial system effectiveness and transboundary collaboration.

While we continue to confirm a number of domestic and international speakers and refine the event program for release, we have a selection of confirmed keynote and plenary speakers including thought leaders, industry leaders and senior advisors from across the globe such as:

  • Joe Morrison – CEO Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC)
  • Philip Duncan (Academic & Board member water regulator)
  • Michelle Hobbs – Griffith University
  • Lori Cyprien – Rights and Land Alberta Canada
  • Antonnio Benjamin – Chief Justice of Courts Brazil
  • David Ulhmann and Cecil Rodrigues – Head Administrator US EPA and Deputy
  • Miroslav Angelov – Director General Environmental Rule & Governance European Commission
  • Jon Gorvett – CEO EPA South Australia
  • Tony Chappel – CEO EPA NSW
  • Lee Miezis – CEO EPA Victoria

Submitted abstracts and event program launch

In addition to our plenary and keynote speakers, the Summit organising committee has received a whopping 62 abstracts from 33 agencies, academic institutions, network partners and international affiliates to enrich our shared regulatory system and facilitate greater collaboration.

There are a few subject areas that we are seeking further input on in the program from a domestic perspective (Australia/New Zealand) including:

  • Climate change
  • Air pollution
  • Local action for regional & landscape outcomes

If you are a regulator operating within these industries or are a local government regulator – we want to hear from you! Please contact the AELERT Leadership Team to submit an abstract for inclusion in the event program as part of a plenary or breakout session, poster presentation or published paper.

You can find more information on the event agenda and subject areas in the 2024 Global Summit Event Agenda.

We are already reaching half-capacity after the early-bird ticket sale launching the event, so don’t delay and book your tickets now!

For more information and to register visit the AELERT – INECE 2024 Global Summit website.

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