AELERT Welcomes Grant Barnes as new Chair

Mar 28, 2023

We are delighted to welcome Grant Barnes as the new Chair of AELERT, following a resolution by the National Council.

Grant is Chief Regulatory Officer of the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR), and has been a member of the inaugural AELERT National Council since 2022, including a term as Deputy Chair.

Grant is a highly regarded regulator within the AELERT Community and beyond. As NRAR’s Chief Regulatory Officer, Grant is responsible for the day-to-day operations of NRAR. He has led NRAR since its establishment in 2018 and has more than 15 years’ experience in senior leadership roles in natural resource management and regulatory practice.

Grant said he is looking forward to working with the AELERT Community and National Council though an exciting time of growth.

‘I’m humbled by the opportunity and cognisant of the many, fine regulatory practitioners who have built AELERT over the years. I’m pleased to be part of the team and continue their work.

‘Exciting times lie ahead for AELERT. I’m pleased to continue my work with the National Council consolidating the work they did introducing a new membership model, governance changes and the 2022 conference.

‘AELERT serves all its members from every State and Territory in Australia as well as our New Zealand and International members.

‘This year we have a new commitment to our members, enhancing and expanding our product range that benefits them and strengthening our connections with our International partners in New Zealand, Washington DC, Brussels and Bangkok.

‘Our focus will be to maximise the network’s value to all its members and the agencies they belong to.

‘We’re a network that is run by practically minded regulators for regulators. I thank the National Council for this appointment and the endorsement of the NRAR Board Chair the Hon Craig Knowles AO, to serve in this capacity.

‘I would also like to once again acknowledge our recent Chair Monica Collins. Monica led the modernisation of AELERT as a contemporary regulators network, while addressing key strategic risks, and has paved the way for this next exciting phase. We as are network are so much better off because of her exemplary leadership.’

The National Council sets strategic direction and ensure AELERT delivers value to its members.

Read more about AELERT’s National Council.

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