DCCEEW Staff get creative with threatened species cakes

Sep 22, 2023

Members of the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) have revealed some impressive creative talents with their Threatened Species Bake Off entries!

Threatened Species Commissioner Fiona Fraser has been really pleased to see participation from across many divisions. It reflects the fact that so much of the department’s work contributes to protecting and recovering our biodiversity. The Bake Off is all about building awareness of threatened species.

While many of us already have deep knowledge and passionate commitment to Australian animals and plants, it’s great that we’re sharing it with family, friends and colleagues in the form of cake. Even Minister Plibersek enjoyed a few Maugean Skate and threatened plant biscuits!

See the incredible baked creations by department staff and the community in the Threatened Species Commissioner’s 2023 Bake Off Facebook album.

“Rufous Scrub-bird (Atrichornis rufescens) cake – by Rob and Louise on behalf of the Hunter Bird Observers Club (HBOC) Rufous Scrub-bird Study Team.

This article was originally posted on the DCCEEW intranet.

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