A NSW & ACT AELERT Conference
AELERT is excited to present Let’s get together: Reconnecting for innovative & collaborative regulation a two-day conference held in Sydney for AELERT members, local government officers, and regulators of all disciplines practicing from Tuggerah to Tuggeranong and everywhere in between from NSW and the ACT.
The purpose of the Let’s get together conference is to enhance the collective regulatory knowledge and expertise of practitioners in the field and provide an opportunity to reconnect with the state agencies responsible for regulatory actions in your jurisdiction.
Meet the right people to help solve all of your regulatory dilemmas including waste, pollution, water, endangered species conservation, excavation and so much more in two days of face-to-face presentations, interactive workshops and activities.
Register now and Let’s get together to work towards a more collaborative and innovative future in regulation for 2024 and beyond!
Date: Wednesday 25 October – Thursday 26 October
Location: The Grace Hotel. 77 York St, Sydney NSW 2000
Capacity: 100 places per day.
Cost: Day 1 – Free to attend; Day 2 – Free for members, $50 for non-members
Event registration: Register for this event via Eventbrite
Agenda: Download the event overview
Venue: Download venue and accommodation information
The Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork (AELERT) is a specialist network that is uniquely run by regulators for regulators encompassing a diverse range of regulatory disciplines. Formally established in 2003, AELERT is an internationally recognised and respected professional network for regulators across Australasia supported and hosted by the Australian Commonwealth Government with over 250 member agencies and more than 3,000 individual members.