International Network News: IMPEL (Sep/Oct)

Nov 20, 2023

Welcome to the new IMPEL newsletter! The aim of the newsletter is to give you a quick overview of some of the recent news stories and activities in the network. If you have any feedback or would like to see additional topics covered in the newsletter, please submit these using the feedback button on the website.

IMPEL Cross Cutting Tools and Approaches Expert Team Meeting

IMPEL Cross Cutting Tools and Approaches Expert Team Meeting took place on 27 September 2023 in Rome at the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) headquarters. Projects under IMPEL Cross Cutting Tools and Approaches Expert Team have also organised back-to-back events with this meeting.

17 Oct, 2023

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IMPEL Waste Management and Circular Economy Project held a training session in Bucharest

On 4–6 of October, a three-day training session took place, in Bucharest, Romania, organised within the umbrella of the IMPEL project “Waste Management and Circular Economy”. The meeting was attended my 25 environmental experts (mainly inspectors and permit writers) from different countries and from Romania. In addition, over 60 IMPEL members attended online.

13 Oct, 2023

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REACH Regulation and Circular Economy Guideline is now available

In order to promote circular economy, the concepts of ‘by-product’ and ‘End-of-Waste’ are highly relevant. REACH does not apply to waste. But REACH does apply to by-products and end-of-waste. According to the Waste Framework Directive, a material can only achieve a by-product or end-of-waste status if it complies with applicable legislation and standards, one of which is REACH.

12 Oct, 2023

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IMPEL Implementation of the Bird and Habitat Directives at European Aerodromes Project made aerodrome visits in Denmark

Aerodromes cover a significant part of Europe, scattered all over the continent, hosting a wide variety of Europe’s plant and animal species. Some of these animals, especially the heavy and/or flocking species of birds, are one of the major hazards for aviation.

05 Oct, 2023

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Final statement – 4 Networks Conference

The Four Networks, IMPEL – European Union Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law,EUFJE – The European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment,  ENPE – European Network of Prosecutors for the Environment,  and EnviCrimeNet, have today released a statement following the successful 4 Networks Conference, held in Rome last week. 

04 Oct, 2023

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Trend reversal in groundwater pollution mini-conference was held in Frankfurt

On 4 September 2023, the IMPEL project “Trend reversal in groundwater pollution” held a mini-conference in Frankfurt am Main (Germany). 29 administrative and scientific experts from seven countries (Germany, Albania, Denmark, Hungary, Luxembourg, Romania and the United Kingdom) discussed the pollution of groundwater by nitrate, pesticides, salt and other harmful substances from diffuse sources, and the best practices how to reverse negative trends.

27 Sep, 2023

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Results of IMPEL Water and Land Remediation Project were presented at AquaConSoil 2023

Water and Land Remediation Project Manager Marco Falconi attended the AquaConSoil 2023 Conference that is taking place in Prague from 11 to 15 September 2023. Marco Falconi presented the results of IMPEL Water and Land Remediation Project at the Conference on 13 September 2023 under TOPIC 3: Sustainable remediation, emerging contaminants and prevention towards zero pollution.

14 Sep, 2023

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Originally shared via the IMPEL email newsletter on Tuesday 31 October.

Other news

Official AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit Logo Launch

Official AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit Logo Launch

We are proud to release the official AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit for Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law logo design today. The event logo features the Moreton Bay fig tree (Ficus macrophylla) native to Australia’s east coast and Lord Howe Island. Moreton...

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The Global Nature Positive Summit Update

The Global Nature Positive Summit Update

Organised by the Commonwealth Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, the Global Nature Positive Summit in Sydney will accelerate collective action to drive investment in nature. Australia’s Minister for the Environment and Water the Hon....

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Upcoming CoP Meeting Schedule (September/October)

Upcoming CoP Meeting Schedule (September/October)

There has been a lot of exciting activity and movement in AELERT’s Communities of Practice in recent months, your CoPs have more to look forward to as we all move toward the end of year AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit. This month, we have several guest presenters...

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The AELERT Leadership Team is growing

The AELERT Leadership Team is growing

Two new members join the AELERT Leadership Team this month. Welcome to Executive Officer Adam Doyle and Project Officer Philip Maxwell! Adam and Philip join CEO Greg Abood and Senior Communications Officer Luke Wade for another 12 months. Join us in welcoming Adam and...

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AELERT – INECE Global Summit – August Update

AELERT – INECE Global Summit – August Update

The 2024 Global Summit for Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law is only three months away and AELERT's Leadership Team and international organising committee have been hard at work preparing for the event, collating abstracts, securing sponsorship deals and...

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Speakers announced for 2024 Global Summit

Speakers announced for 2024 Global Summit

The 2024 Global Summit is less than four months away and we have an exciting lineup of keynote speakers and presenters in store to share their insights. Representatives from many of our international regulatory networks will be joining us in Brisbane in November...

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Celebrate National NAIDOC Week 7 – 14 July

Celebrate National NAIDOC Week 7 – 14 July

This month marks the national celebration of NAIDOC Week and the recognition of the rich history, culture and achievements of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander brothers and sisters. It is a time for us all to ‘Keep the fire burning! Blak, Loud and Proud!’ and...

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Summit early bird tickets & abstract submission ends 1 July

Summit early bird tickets & abstract submission ends 1 July

This is your chance to submit an 200 word abstract to present as part of the 2024 Global Summit on Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law - and register as an early bird and save $100 on your ticket price! The 2024 Global Summit is an action-oriented event that...

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