More than 100 speakers presenting at AELERT-INECE 2024 Global summit

Sep 17, 2024

The AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit for Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law is less than two months away and we are pleased to reveal all of our keynote and international guest speakers that you will be meeting in November!

Our special guests are bringing their depth of knowledge from the North, Central and South America, China and east Asia, East Africa, Europe, and our own backyard with delegates from Australia and New Zealand.

The breadth of regulatory subjects represented at the Summit mirrors the connective nature of the regulatory system we operate in.

These varied perspectives on shared challenges will allow us to grow our collective capabilities, develop deeper collaborative relationships for the future, and move environmental law and regulation forward, together.

The full event program will be released in a matter of days including details on over 100 speakers contributing to the program over the duration of the event.

This is an action-oriented event for regulators at all levels, and all levels of government to learn, grow, share, and set the foundation for greater collaboration in 2025 and beyond.

Standard release tickets are almost completely sold out, so secure your place today and register online at: AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit.

We would like to extend a special thank you to our special guests below as well as all those who have submitted an abstract for consideration and are able to join is at the AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit.

AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit Keynote speakers:

Indigenous voice in environmental law and regulation

Dr Leslie ‘Phil’ Duncan – University Canberra

Galambany Professorial Fellow, Natural Resources Access Regulator board member and Gamilaroi man

Michelle Hobbs – Griffith University, Australian Rivers Institute

Associate Lecturer and Bidjara woman

Lori Cyprien – Dené Lands and Resource Management

Director of Rights & Lands

Mary Graham – Future Dreaming Australia

Director, Adjunct Associate Professor of Political Science at University Queensland, Kombu-merri and Wakka Wakka woman

Dr Michelle Maloney – Australian Earth Laws Alliance

Co-Founder and National Convenor

Erica Gregory – New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority

General Manager Manahautu, Erica’s tribal affiliations are to Waikato and Ngāti Maniapoto

International Network updates

Gerphas Keyah Opondo – Environmental Compliance Institute (Africa)

Executive Director

Dr Godwin Omondi Opinde – Environmental Compliance Institute (Africa)

ECI Board Chairman

Chochoe Devaporihartakula – AECEN (Asia)

Programme Manager at Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Carmen Dwyer – DCCEEW (Australia)

Lead adviser of the National EPA Transition Taskforce

Veronica Campos Medina – Redlafica (Central & South America)

Superintendence of the Environment Chile

Marco Falconi – IMPEL (Europe)


Miheala-Monica Crisan – IMPEL (Europe)

Water & Land Expert Team Leader

Effective judicial systems and actions that influence the whole regulatory system

David Uhlmann – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Cecil Rodrigues – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Yanqi Zhang – Supreme People’s Procuratorate

Supreme People’s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China

Justice Antonio Benjamin – High Court of Brazil

Chair of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (UICN) World Commission on Environmental Law

Miroslav Angelov – European Commission

Directorate-General for Environment

Transboundary impact & collaboration

Enrique Castaneda Sanchez  – PROFEPA Mexico

Deputy Federal Attorney for Environmental Audits

Souheir Ibrahim – Ministry of Environmental Lebanon

Head of Legal

Susannah Dibble – U.S. Environmental Law Institute

Director International Programs

Carl Bruch – U.S. Environmental Law Institute

International Environmental Lawyer

Suzi Heaton – DCCEEW

Branch Head International Environment, Reef & Ocean

Heath Synnott – DCCEEW

Director International Environment, Reef & Ocean

Law design for implementation

Amy Porter – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Senior International Advisor Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Professor Cameron Holley – University of New South Wales

Professor in the School of Law, Society and Criminology

Professor Darren Sinclair – University of Canberra

Professor, Centre for Environmental Governance

Govinda Terra – Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources Brazil

Chief of Staff

Public participation, stakeholder & community engagement

Tony Chappel – New South Wales Environment Protection Authority


Dr Claudia Benham – University Queensland

ARC DECRA Senior Research Fellow, School of the Environment

Catherine Moltzen – Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Assistant Director – Compliance Planning

Climate change and air quality regulation

Jon Gorvett – South Australian Environment Protection Authority


Jennifer Lynn – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Criminal Investigation Division

Regulatory posture, culture, priorities and outcomes performance reporting

Lee Miezis PSM – Environment Protection Authority Victoria


Su Wild-River – ACT Environment Protection Authority

Executive Branch manager

Amy Porter – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Senior International Advisor Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Building practitioner capabilities & safety

Aryel Abramovitz U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Environmental Engineer & Environmental Protection Specialist

Michael Freeman – Verbal Judo Institute

Associate Instructor, regulatory compliance and natural resources

Secure your tickets now to the AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit for Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law online now.

Please note that this list is subject to change without notice prior to the event.

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