Summit early bird tickets & abstract submission ends 1 July

Jun 19, 2024

This is your chance to submit an 200 word abstract to present as part of the 2024 Global Summit on Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law – and register as an early bird and save $100 on your ticket price!

The 2024 Global Summit is an action-oriented event that will weave together keynote presentations, plenary and breakout sessions into the final regulatory workshops to land agreed statements and commitments of risk and focus and collaboration for 2025 and beyond.

The program will focus on four specific regulatory subjects, and over 25 universally applicable regulatory subjects that fall under the three umbrella topics below.

For those interested in presenting during a plenary or breakout session, poster presentation or a paper we urge you to submit your abstract now before the 1 July deadline.

To submit an abstract, download a copy of the 2024 Global Summit agenda or find out more information about the event, please visit the 2024 Global Summit event website

2024 Global Summit for Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law program subjects

Specific regulatory subjects:

  1. Climate change and/or air pollution regulation
  2. Emerging waste streams and plastic waste issues
  3. Biodiversity, environmental planning, wildlife crime, managing national parks (marine & terrestrial) and public land management
  4. Natural resources and energy sector including water, forestry, fisheries, soil, vegetation, oil and gas, mining, and renewable energy.

Generic regulatory subjects:

A) Effective engagement & enforcement for better policy, laws, practice and outcomes

  • Learning from first nations people, 
  • Innovative public participation, stakeholder, community and citizen science approaches
  • Innovative ways to get mass movement towards a better future,
  • Post policy implementation, 
  • Good law design for implementers – laws that work 
  • Trade agreements in advancing regulatory objectives, and
  • The role of Criminal enforcement (sanctions/remedies) to address violations and harms and support the whole regulatory system.

B) Operational outcomes from safe and good regulatory practice

  • Local action for regional / landscape outcomes – local regulators who collaborate and innovate to deliver landscape outcomes;
  • Major operational break throughs – lessons learned for others to use;
  • Transboundary and cross border operations that succeed – what are the vital ingredients;
  • Incident and disaster management and resilience; in the face of more extreme climate events & emerging technologies;
  • Impact assessment – the essential ingredients to prevent harms;
  • Keeping regulators and defenders of the environment safe and well;
  • Emerging issues, future challenges and shifting our operational focus; and
  • Judicial system and remedies – restorative justice, court orders.

C) Regulatory practice, assurance, capability and organisational maturity

  • Outcomes performance reporting and proactively reporting on your successes and/or failures.
  • Setting strategic regulatory direction, priorities and shifting public expectations;
  • Using AI and technology in regulation: advanced monitoring, detection & assessment to get better results
  • Intelligence and data analytics to inform regulatory direction and priorities and lift your efficiency and effectiveness
  • Health checking the whole regulatory system – regulatory assurance frameworks that work
  • Growing practitioner capabilities through innovative professional development frameworks and programs
  • Organisational maturity and resilience to assure efficiency & effectiveness and build public confidence and trust in the regulator

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