The AELERT Leadership Team is growing

Aug 12, 2024

Two new members join the AELERT Leadership Team this month. Welcome to Executive Officer Adam Doyle and Project Officer Philip Maxwell!

Adam and Philip join CEO Greg Abood and Senior Communications Officer Luke Wade for another 12 months. Join us in welcoming Adam and Philip and say hello if you see them in your next upcoming CoP meetings.

Adam Doyle Executive Officer

Adam Doyle joins us on secondment from the Environment Protection Authority in New South Wales where he supported the busy teams shepherding in the NSW EPA’s Climate Change policy and overseeing native forestry policy. Adam previously worked in both State and Commonwealth agencies in the aged care, transport, planning and environment sectors in addition to seven years as a researcher in the ABC newsroom. Adam will renew AELERT’s focus on enhancing the reputation of the network to senior leaders and agency executives for the next 12 months.

Philip Maxwell Project Officer

Philip Maxwell boats an extensive career in the environmental sector having worked in industry, state and federal government departments. Phil’s custom centric approach to membership management will serve to inform AELERT’s activities and initiatives for the year to come and allow us to better serve our members by enhancing engagement with our internal and external stakeholders.

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