Interagency Twinning Program

Join AELERT’s organisational growth accelerator program

Register your interest for our Interagency Twinning program and get paired up with a trusted peer agency and support each other along your organisational maturity journey.


AELERT recognises that every organisations’ maturity journey will be different and connections rely on chance when not structured. We provide a reliable framework where two agencies can support each other at a deeper level, sharing experiences, ideas, action plans, resources and assessments. The best results that come from the Modern Regulator Improvement Tool (MRIT) are when assessments, assurance and maturity action plans are undertaken in collaboration with interagency peers.

The Interagency Twinning Program systematically connects two member agencies considering agency needs, preferences and areas of maturity focus. Partner agencies can be matched at different levels to suit each applicant, for example an entire branch or a single division within an agency can be matched to a branch or division in another agency.  

Matches are made based on your matching preferences. Sometimes the best matches are when two agencies or branches that practice regulation in different subject areas, disciplines and jurisdictions come together. Now, all member agencies can be connected to a reliable and trusted supporting peer regardless of who you know, what you do, level of government or where you are located. 


  1. Maintain a structured agency support framework that is accessible to all member agencies
  2. Connect member agencies at a deeper level and facilitate the sharing of resources, experiences, assessments, maturity action plans, and learnings
  3. Enable member agencies to embark on a viable organisational maturity journey with reduced time and costs, and eliminate agency isolation
  4. Build broad organisational maturity and regulatory strength in member agencies, benefiting Australasian regulators and international network partners

How to get involved

Follow these easy steps to get involved with the Interagency Twinning Program:

  1. Complete the registration form below including your organisational maturity and preferred match level
  2. The AELERT Leadership team will liaise with program participants and the AELERT network to facilitate a match for your agency
  3. Customise the supplied program framework in consultation with your agency twin
  4. Develop a targeted action plan to advance your organisational maturity in line with your MRIT assessments

Agency Twinning Program Registration


Level of agency maturity

12 + 5 =