U.S. EPA reps presenting at AELERT-INECE Summit

Sep 26, 2024

AELERT is just days away from releasing the full program for the AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit for Implementing and Enforcing Environmental Law.

More than 40 keynote speakers are confirmed plus 70+ speakers who submitted abstracts will be presenting on cross-cutting themes addressed throughout the event.

We are thrilled to have such a strong international contingent joining is in-person and virtually to address the complex regulatory issues that are shared across our transnational borders including senior representatives from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Enforcement and Compliance Assurance team such as David Uhlmann (Assistant Administrator), Cecil Rodrigues (Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator), and Amy Porter (Senior International Advisor).

We sat down with David, Cecil and Amy to get some insight into the topics they will be addressing in their presentations and the importance of these themes in strengthening environmental laws and regulation activities for all involved.

David Uhlmann

Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

David: “The Summit is a rare opportunity to share challenges and successful approaches to inform environmental enforcement solutions by, and for, the practitioners who are on the ground ensuring protection of human health and the environment.”

On the presentation theme: Effective Enforcement and Compliance Assurance to Address 21st Century Challenges

David: “Robust enforcement of the environmental law is essential to address 21st century environmental challenges, including the existential threat of climate change and the moral imperative of promoting environmental justice.  To do so most effectively, our nations must share lessons from how we have addressed significant environmental problems in the past and innovative solutions that we are developing with our global partners for the future.”

Cecil Rodrigues

Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Cecil: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has half a century of experience enforcing environmental protections to benefit communities. Sharing U.S. environmental enforcement outcomes and challenges can provide insights on ways to deliver protections for human health and the environment across the globe.”

On the presentation theme: Foundations of a Robust Environmental Enforcement Program

Cecil: “Enforcement, regulatory, and judicial systems are incredibly complex, especially in established systems. Understanding the foundational elements of such programs and how they interrelate provides important context for managing resources to achieve efficient and effective protection of human health and the environment.”

Amy Porter

Senior International Advisor Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance

Amy: “The Summit will provide opportunities to network and learn from shared experiences, case studies, and close examination of difficult issues in the spirit of working together to improve the environment.”

On the presentation theme: Regulatory Effectiveness

Amy: “The U.S. EPA’s work to achieve effective environmental protection does not begin and end with written regulations. Regulations need to be enforceable, achievable by the regulated entities, and written in ways that enable enforcement professionals to determine and drive compliance using a wide range of tools to prevent and address noncompliance.”

For more information on the upcoming AELERT-INECE 2024 Global Summit please visit the event website now!

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