Over 160 regulators met for AELERT’s 2023 Regulators Events

Dec 13, 2023

Gregory Abood, AELERT CEO presenting at the AELERT Regulators Event on Muwinina land (Hobart)

The Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork (AELERT) has just wrapped up its final state / territory event for 2023 taking the tally up to three events in five weeks.

AELERT’s Regulator Events took place on Gadigal land (Sydney), Turrbal and Jagera land (Brisbane), and Muwinina land (Hobart).

Over 160 regulators and senior leaders from local, state and federal government agencies attended including many DCCEEW staff from Nature Positive Regulation environmental assessments, National EPA Transition Taskforce, Australian Antarctic Division and Compliance. The events built strong connections and rapport between regulators, setting the foundation for collaborative work in 2024 across 3 levels of government.

Attendees were treated to a series of plenary sessions including a network update from AELERT CEO Gregory Abood, an overview of AELERTs interagency work programs, presentations from member agencies, and a panel discussion on the evolution of environmental law and regulation.

The events also showcased AELERT products and network groups to attendees including interactive breakout sessions and workshops with AELERT’s communities of practice covering topics from Organisational Maturity and Better Regulation to Impact Assessment, Waste Crime, Water Compliance, First Peoples Environmental Regulators and many more.

Members of DCCEEW also used this opportunity to engage with a diverse forum of regulatory professionals to raise awareness and engage with stakeholders across Australia.

Annelise Fuller, Director National EPA Transition Taskforce presenting on Muwinina land (Hobart)

Annelise Fuller, Justin Trefry and Cliff Lloyd of the National EPA Transition Taskforce delivered a presentation on the work underway in building this national regulatory body.

“The establishment of the national EPA is of interest to a wide range of the regulatory community. It was therefore beneficial for us, as the EPA Transition Taskforce, to be able to engage with cross-sections of stakeholders at the recent AELERT conferences” Annelise Fuller explained.

“The network is helping us to communicate our role and responsibilities and is also a great opportunity to provide and obtain insights into common and emerging issues facing regulators across Australia. It provides the ability to not only connect with other regulators, but to gain access to a wide range of regulatory resources.”

Mick Welsh, Acting Director- Reef Delivery Section, also hosted a discussion on DCCEEW’s Nature Positive Plan and hosted a breakout session on environmental impact assessment.

AELERT events are designed to create opportunities for regulators around Australia to forge new connections with colleagues across all levels of government and spark continuing conversations that will create new opportunities for collaboration and innovation.

Event attendees discussing innovation in impact assessment during a breakout session led by Mick Walsh, Acting Director- Reef Delivery Section DCCEEW.

Attend the next AELERT Regulator Event in Darwin

The WA, SA & NT Regulator Event will be hosted in Darwin on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8, February 2024 and registrations are open now for all regulators.

Attending this event is an opportunity for regulatory staff and senior leaders to engage with the AELERT network to broaden external communications, engage with stakeholders and collaborate across jurisdictions.

Register for the AELERT WA, SA & NT Regulator Event

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